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School Reunion Budget Worksheet

School Reunion Budget Worksheet

Updated on: Feb 16, 2024

School reunions or class reunions are fun and a great way to check-in with older peers! Using Easy Event Planning'sschool reunion budget worksheet, allows you to track all of the expense items you may face when planning a reunion. It can also be easily be downloaded into Google Sheets! Managing your school reunion expenses is an important part of the planning process, but it shouldn't be a difficult one either. This tracker will help you organize all of these details so you can estimate and manage your spending. The sheet includes categories from catering to dress attire so you won’t forget anything important when planning your event!

Our school reunion checklist may be helpful for you if you found our budget sheet useful!

6 Reasons You’ll Love Our School Reunion Budget Worksheet

1. User-Friendly!

The sheet is easy to navigate and instead of having one long list of details, this sheet separates school reunion expenses by all of the different categories. One other formatting feature that will aid in planning, is the actual and estimated columns. You can start out with a budget in the estimated column in which you feel will represent your expenses, and once you know all of the actual prices, you can adjust accordingly.

2. Pie Charts

After you’ve filled in the budget items, the expense sheet will immediately start filling in the pie charts. These graphs will visually show how much you’re spending by each of the categories. Use this tool to take control of if you want to allocate more or less to a specific category.

3. Event-Specific

Your school reunion should be a successful and memorable event. Your expense tracker should not be just some random template! Our budget planner has categories that make the most sense, specially designed for a school reunion.

4. Easily Shared

This sheet can be shared through Google Sheets. This feature is great because you can work with fellow planners to get this event planned with fewer errors. Having multiple people working on the same sheet can reduce the possibility of mistakes.

5. Individual Payment Tab

Our sheet will let you track individual expenses and payments made on this Payment Tab. This can be found at the bottom of the worksheet. All that needs to be done is, enter the Total Cost and assign responsibility for payments for that item. Afterwards, enter your payments made and we can calculate the leftover amount.

6. Simple to Organize

If you’re sharing this sheet with other planners, you’ll find it easier to be able to assign people with certain expenses by using the ‘who pays’ column. This will increase the chances that someone is focused on that one item and it will be ready to go.

Using The School Reunion Budget Worksheet

All you need is to click on "Download" followed by the, "Make a copy" button when asked to do so. This saves the sheet to your Google Drive. Once you want to start planning your event, you can visit the instructions page where we share how to use the sheet. Should you have any questions about how to share the document, you’ll find all you need to know there!

School Reunion Budget Worksheet: Conclusion

Since you have found a simpler way to organize your school reunion expenses, you can now start planning stress-free! Our budget calculator will help you organize any little details you could possibly forget about. If you find this tool to save you time, you might find our budget sheets for our other events quite helpful too! Check out our site for any events you may be a plan in the near or distant future!