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BBQ Budget Worksheet

BBQ Budget Worksheet

Updated on: Feb 17, 2024

Easy Event Planning's BBQ budget worksheet includes the most common expense items and is ready to be downloaded into Google Sheets with a click of a button. Managing your BBQ expenses is a critical part of the planning process but it doesn't need to be a daunting task. This tracker will help you to organize these important details so you can estimate and managing your spending. The sheet includes categories from food to even attire for yourself, so you won’t forget anything important in the mix of your planning.

If you find our budget sheet useful, you might find our BBQ Checklist helpful, too!

6 Reasons You’ll Love Our BBQ Budget Worksheet

1. Event-Specific

Your BBQ should be a one to remember, and your expense tracker should be the easiest to handle! Our budget planner has categories and line items that specifically make sense for a backyard BBQ to make your experience a whole lot better.

2. Easy to View

The sheet is organized in a user-friendly fashion. Instead of having all of the details in one long list like you may have had otherwise, this sheet separates BBQ expenses by category. This allows you to get a feel of how much you're investing to each one so that it will all be balanced.

Another formatting feature that will help you plan is the estimated and actual columns. You can start out with a rough budget in the estimated column, and once the ball gets rolling and you know actual prices, you can adjust spending accordingly.

3. Shareable!

This sheet is easily shared through Google Sheets, so you can easily work with fellow planners to get this event planned in record time. Having everyone’s eyes on the same sheet reduces the possibility for costly or important mistakes, also allows you to brainstorm new ideas that you may not have considered yet.

4. Easy to Organize

If you are sharing this sheet with fellow planners, you will find it easy to assign people to certain expenses with the ‘who pays’ column! This makes you job a whole lot easier as it allows you to focus on specific things first and everything that would have been extra can be handed off.

meat and vegetables on a grill

Source: Pixabay

5. Pie Charts

As you start filling in your budget items, the expense sheet will automatically start making changes in the pie charts at the top of the page. These graphs will show you visually how much you’re spending by category thus allowing you to see how much of what you're spending, or if you are thinking about spending a certain amount you can see how that will effect everything overall. Use this tool to gauge if you want to allocate more to a specific category, or less to another!

6. Individual Payment Tab

Our sheet also lets you keep track of individual expenses and payments made on the Payment Tab (found at the bottom of the worksheet). Simply enter the Total Cost and assign the person responsible for payments for that item. Then enter your payments made and we'll calculate the amount left.

How to Use Our BBQ Budget Worksheet

Simply click the "Download" button and click the "Make a copy" button when prompted. That will save the sheet to your own Google Drive. Once you’re ready to start planning for your big day, visit our instructions page where we outline how to use the sheet, step by step. If you have a question about how to share the document with your family, or how to customize line items, you’ll find all you need to know right there!

BBQ Budget Worksheet: Conclusion

Now that you have a simple way to organize your barbecue expenses, you can plan stress-free! Our budget calculator will help you organize all the little details so you won’t have to worry. If you find this template to be a time-saver, you might find our budget sheets for other events helpful, too! Download our BBQ Budget Worksheet now and check out our site for any event you might be planning in the future!