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Party and Wedding Favor Results


Deciding how many party favors to make or order depends on factors like the guest size, the price of the favor, and a few other factors. If your favors are on the pricier side, one per household should be plenty. Smaller or more affordable favors can be given out more generously with one per guest. One per guest is also a good estimate for DIY, throw-away favors, or edible party favors. If you have favors for children, one per child should be enough. Be sure to have a few extras in case any get broken or lost.

The average total cost of wedding and party favors in the US is around $340 to $500. Per person, it is around $1 to $3. Spending on favors depends on the price of the favors, how many guests you have, and how many favors will be given to the guests (i.e. one per guest, one per household, etc.). Some experts suggest budgeting around $10-$20 per guest for party favors. This can be adjusted if the favor will be edible. Deciding how much to spend on favors is mostly a decision based on your budget and wedding vision.

Party favors are small gifts or souvenirs given to guests at a party or event. Providing a party favor is a way for the hosts of a party to thank guests for attending and show their appreciation. They also serve as a fun token to remember the party.

Deciding what to put in your party favor bags will mainly have to do with the theme of your party. That being said, you can really put anything you want in a party favor. You can go the edible route and give out s’mores kits, homemade sauce, candy/desserts (cupcakes, cookies, and macarons), oils, and more. If you’d like to give out a more practical party favor, you could include personalized pop sockets, paperweights, or coasters. For some adult-only party favors, you can include shot glasses or glass charms. If the party favors are for a corporate event, common items to include are customized pencils, pens, magnets, stress balls, and notepads. Some COVID-19 friendly party favors include hand sanitizer, face masks, and gloves.

Whether you want to find the best party favors that are ready to go or want to create your own, you can use Easy Event Plannin's directory to get it done quickly! Find both edible favors (chocolates, pretzels, truffles, macarons - even frozen favors!) and inedible favors (candles, candle holders, favor boxes and bags, tags, mason jars, and more) in one place.

Although it's very convenient to have favors delivered right to your door, small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy and have suffered terribly during this pandemic. You can make a difference in the future of a business by buying local.