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Couple’s First Dance - 5 Steps for the Best Memories

Couples First Dance

Updated on: Feb 17, 2024

Wedding dances are an important part of some weddings. Some countries form intrinsic and complicated dances that they then present to their new partner and family. Others focus on the couple's first dance when the groom and the bride dance together as hundreds of guests stand around in a circle and watch the intimate moment. In some countries, this might even be considered the main event at weddings. Whether your dance will be elaborate or relaxed and romantic, we are here to help you plan it out, to make sure you are ready for the personal and unforgettable moment of dancing in front of your dearest friends and family.

We have gathered a series of steps that can help you nail down those basics when it comes to your couple's first dance. You want to have fun and be confident throughout your dance! We can also help you create the most amazing ceremony with helpful tips on writing your vows or choosing a dessert table!

Basics for the Wedding Couple’s First Dance

1. Find a Dance Studio and the Right Instructor

While this may sound like a lot of pressure, there is no need to worry. In places like Kansas City, it is known that some places host a variety of dance studios and instructors for wedding ballroom dance classes. If you think you have two left feet, then this is a good option. A couple of extra classes never hurt someone.

Then the second step lies in the instructor. To find the right instructor who will lead you in your adult dance lessons you must consider which styles, hours, and level of training you and your partner require. Find your instructor through research of online reviews and from individual interviews. Once you have one that matches your dance style, be it hip hop, swing, salsa, or a waltz, you can start getting your routine together. They usually work by testing your abilities to prepare the perfect steps for your dance so keep an open mind that a lot of communication must go through this step.

If you are having a hard time finding an instructor, there are many online options as well such as through YouTube, a great place to get ideas from other couples' dances and there are even instructors who create helpful videos!

couple dancing


2. Decide on Your Unique Style

There are some things to keep in mind when deciding on your first dance. So whether you’re looking for a group or private couples ballroom lessons, here are some basic tips for a wedding couple’s first dance.

It’s always a good idea to pick a song that means something to both the bride and groom, but there are some other things to keep in mind when choosing a song. Will it match the type of dance you want to perform? How long is it? You don’t want anything longer than about 3 minutes. Your dance instructor might provide you with many song options and can help you narrow down your list.

Some couples choose to do an upbeat song whereas others a slower, romantic song. There are no rules as to what song you choose for your first dance. There are many playlists out there with songs you may want to choose from. Here is a playlist of the Top 50 First Dance Songs, but you can find many within Spotify and other streaming sources. Some couples make the dance very personal by choosing a song that has great meaning to both of the partners. It really does depend on your unique preferences for choosing the perfect song for your first dance!

3. Practice

Although adult dance classes are meant to teach you how to dance, you’ll never get better at moving your feet if you don’t practice. Set time aside in your day-to-day life and outside of your wedding dance lessons to practice with your partner. Many times, practicing makes couples feel more comfortable and confident about the big, special day. Practice always makes perfect! When you truly master fundamental dance moves, you are able to dance more spontaneously and able to relax!

4. Know Your Venue

Make sure you know your venue! You need to know the area of your dance floor and how much space you have to work with. You don’t want to have an entire routine memorized for a large ballroom size floor and find out that you only have a small area to dance on. See convention spaces near you, or If you're looking for a unique bed and breakfast venue we may be able to help on our website!

5. Make the Vital Decision

The last step in the process is to decide whether or not you want your first dance to include your entire wedding party or just you and your partner. Doing a group dance can be fun but very challenging because you’ll need to find a time when everyone can meet and practice and some people might not be able to afford the classes.

After all, wedding dances can place you under a lot of pressure, but remember that you are there to make that special day memorable for you and your guests. Never forget that practice makes perfect!

Couple’s First Dance: Conclusion

With that in mind, we hope you found what you were looking for in our basics to a couple's first dance. We know it can get overwhelming sometimes, but always remember the wonderful memories you will make as you twirl the love of your life in front of everyone. Nothing beats this declaration of love other than showing your new partner to the world. If you enjoyed this post, visit our other blogs at!

Written by Chelsea Muzar; Contributors: Artem Khaybullin and Jack Leduc