Updated on: Feb 16, 2024
Wedding Vows are the steppingstone and foundation to every marriage. Wedding Vows are where you show your feelings, appreciation, and willingness to live and work with your partner forever. Because of this, out of all the considerations you need to make for a wedding, choosing a specific type of vow may be one of the most difficult ones. Below you can find 25 Wedding Vows ideas for any type of ceremony you're having - from Civil Ceremony Wedding Vows to religious ones. There are wedding vows for him and her and all significant others.
Wedding Vows For Him
1. Short and Sweet
Not a person of many words, That’s okay! Keep your wedding vows simple and to the point to show your loved one your all business with your relationship.
2. Lighthearted
Go with a lighthearted approach to your wedding vows. Sweet jokes and loving stories of you and your significant other is a simple and meaningful way to show I love you.
3. Emotional
Want your significant other to know how you truly feel? Go with an emotional approach to your vows to show the significance of your loved ones in your life and how much they truly make an impact on your life.
4. Romantic
If you really want to steal your wife’s heart, romantic wedding vows are the thing for you. Use romantic vows to express how much the time spent with one another has meant to you, and how much you look forward to spending the rest of your life with them.
Wedding vows For Her
5. Shared Vows
Not sure what direction to take your wedding vows? Why think of it alone! Go with the shared wedding vows approach so you and your partner can share the love you have for each other in the same way.
6. Deeply Personal vows
Use deeply personal vows to express your profound love for your partner. Deeply personal Wedding Vows can be used to get to the core of how you feel about your partner, showing your gratitude for the person being in your life and how different and amazing your life is now with them in it.
7. Grateful
Want to show your significant other just how happy you are to have them? Go with a grateful wedding vow approach to express your appreciation of having your partner in your life, and how crappy life would be without them.
8. Humorous
Want to get your significant other and the crowd rolling? Share funny and embarrassing stories of you and your significant other to show your loved one through all your goofs and mess-ups, you will always be there to hold your hand and laugh with you.
Traditional Wedding Vows
9. Catholic Wedding Vows
If you are going to have a catholic wedding, there are typically 3 questions that are asked before you get your vows. After this is done you can begin your catholic vows, “I, _____, take you, _____, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and bad... I will honor and love you all the days of my life.”
10. Lutheran Wedding Vows
Lutheran wedding vows are similar to that of Christian vows, where the officiant can read off the vows and the couple can repeat them. “I, ______, take you, to be my (wife/husband), and these things I promise you: to be honest and faithful to you. I will try with you every day to better understand the world, god, and ourselves; through the best and worst of what is to come..”
11. Baptist Wedding Vows
Baptist wedding vows give a few options on how the vows are read at the ceremony. One option is to have the priest read the vows aloud while the couple responds, "Will you, have _____ to be your (wife/husband)? comfort and keep (her/him), Will you love (her/him), and forsaking all others remain true to (her/him), as long as you both shall live?". Another option is to have a shorter version of your vows with one line being said by both significant others, “I, _____, take thee, to be my (wife/husband), with these witnesses and before God I promise to be faithful and true...”
12. Methodist Wedding Vows
Methodist vows are very straightforward and do not require the bride or groom to remember their vows, the only thing they have to remember is I do or I will. “Will you comfort(her/him), love (her/him), honor, and keep (her/him) in health and sickness, and forsaking all others, be faithful to (her/him) as long as you both shall live?"
13. Protestant Wedding Vows
Protestant wedding vows are usually the most familiar wedding vows to most people. You can read your vows yourself or have your cleric do a repeating vows style. “ I take you, ______, to be my (husband/wife), for worse, for better, for richer, for poorer, in health and sickness, to cherish and to love, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”
14. Jewish Wedding Vows
In most traditional Jewish weddings, the soon-to-be-married couple will recite this phrase typically in Hebrew while exchanging rings, “I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.” Along with the ring exchange, the couple will also recite the Seven blessings, “Blessed are You, Adonai, Who created gladness and joy, loving couples pleasure, love, delight, loving communities, peace, and companionship. Adonai, our God, let there soon be heard... Blessed are You Who causes the couple to rejoice, one with the other. We bless God for creating happiness and joy, bride and groom, gladness and rejoicing, love and harmony, peace and companionship; and we thank God for letting this bride and groom rejoice together.
15. Muslim Wedding Vows
Typically Muslim wedding ceremonies do not have wedding vows. What usually takes place is the imam will give a short sermon and marital blessings to the couple. If the couple decides that they would like to do a vow exchange, it typically goes as follows, Bride: "I, ___, offer you myself in marriage following the instructions of the Holy Prophet and the Holy Quran, blessings and peace be upon him. I swear, with sincerity and in honesty, to be for you a faithful and obedient wife." Groom: "I swear, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and helpful husband."
16. Hindu Wedding Vows
Hindu wedding vows are done by having the couple walk around a flame honoring the Hindu fire god Agni as they recite, “Let us take the first step to provide for our household a pure diet, avoiding those foods injurious to healthy living. Let us take the second step to develop physical, mental, and spiritual powers... Let us take the sixth step for longevity and self-restraint. Let us take the seventh step and remain lifelong partners by this wedlock and be true companions.
17. Buddhist Wedding Vows
In a traditional Buddhist wedding, the couple has to answer the first set of vows that are read off by their officiant.”_____ and _____ do you swear to help each other to develop your minds and hearts, cultivating compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiasm, concentration, and wisdom as you age and undergo the various ups and downs of life and to form them into the path of compassion, joy, love, and equanimity? Bride/Groom: "We do." This structure is supposed to create a form of companionship for the couple as they respond to the vows in unison.
18. Presbyterian Wedding Vows
Presbyterian wedding vows gives a different but similar approach to their vows versus other Christian religions. One way they go through their vows is by having the couple repeat the vows read off by their officiant. “ Will you have this person to be your husband/wife, and with them swear your faith to him/her, with all honor and love, in all tenderness and faith, to appreciate her/him, according to the word of God, in the holy bond of marriage?”
19. Non-Denominational Wedding Vows
Non-denominational wedding vows have a unique take on their vows by having the couple conducting a knot ceremony whole reading off their vows to one another. “I commit myself to you as your (wife/husband) to grow and learn with... We make these knots to show our connection to one another. They represent our combined strength together and our trust in each other.”
20. Cherokee Wedding Vows
In this Native American tradition, the Cherokee read off amazing wedding blessings to the bride and groom, “God above please protect the ones we love. We honor all you have created as we promise our hearts and lives together... With all the forces of the universe you've made, we pray for coherence as we grow forever young together. Amen.”
21. Apache Wedding Vows
Similar to the Cherokee, Apache weddings usually go with wedding blessings that are read to the couple. “ you will now feel no rain... you will now feel no cold... there will be no loneliness, Now you are two persons, but there is now only one life before you… May happiness be your partner and your days together be good and long upon the earth.”
22. Unitarian Wedding Vows
Unitarian Wedding vows usually use a call and response pattern with the officiant, but the couple is also allowed to recite their traditional vows to each other if wanted. “will you take _____ as your wife/husband, will you swear to allot your life openly with her/him" Bride/Groom: I will.
23. Interfaith Wedding Vows
Interfaith wedding vows to combine the couples' different beliefs and faiths to create an amazing blend of vows that reflect the main values of each person in the relationship. “I take you, _____, to be my wife/husband. I promise to be honest with you in bad times and in good, in sickness and in health. I will honor and love you all the days of my life.”
24. Episcopalian Wedding vows
In Episcopalian Wedding vows the couple usually does a call and response style with the officiant. But, the couple can read their own vows if they please. “By the will of God, I take you, _____, to be my wife/husband, to hold and to have from this day forward, for worse, for better, for poorer, for richer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”
25.Quaker Wedding Vows
In a Quaker nuptial ceremony, the couple is supposed to recite the traditional Quaker wedding vows while holding each other's hands. “I ask you to be my wife/husband, I swear to be a loving and faithful husband/wife so long as we both shall live.”
Wedding Vows: Conclusion
There were 25 Ideas for all of your wedding vow needs! You can innovate and combine many of these ideas to form your own amazing vows that you and your significant will remember forever. Are you looking for other wedding-related tips? We have great articles that cover wedding processional orders and dessert table ideas as well. Good luck, we hope this article inspired you to have the vows you want!
Written by Mitchell Glassford; Contributors: Jack Leduc and Deesha Mohan