Updated on: Aug 30, 2024
Having trouble deciding on gifts for an 8 year old boy whether its yours, a nephew, or a friends? Well, don't worry! This guide will surely help you in choosing which gift to purchase and which gifts are appropriate for an 8 year old boy. Whether it is kids theme party ideas like birthdays, Christmas, or any other occasion; there is bound to be a gift you can purchase from this best gifts for 8 year old boy list. There are a variety of gifts included in this list. Whether you want an educational gift, a gift to get them outside, or a gift that inspires their imaginative side!
Best Gifts for 8 Year Old Boy: Technology
1. Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane
This smartphone-controlled airplane will for sure keep your boy happy and excited for a very long time! It allows your child to feel the power of making something come to life as it guides you on how to assemble and fold paper into a paper airplane allowing you to hook up the controlling device enabling you to fully control it with any smartphone.
2. Remote Controlled Car
A Remote Control Crawler would be an awesome gift that every little boy dreams about. There are cars that have custom made remotes that are very easy to handle, allowing your child to make to quickest turns at the fastest speeds. This is a fun toy your son can play at home, in the backyard, and with friends and family.
3. Switch Games
In this day in age the Nintendo Switch is like the Gameboy/Nintendo DS of the past where every kid has one, so why not give them more hours of playing time by getting them a brand-new video game! There are thousands to choose from starting with the classic Mario games that everyone knows and loves. A new switch game is sure to keep an 8 year old boy occupied and entertained.
4. Mini Nano Drone
This mini drone allows you to explore in heights you never thought possible. This drone that comes with a remote allowing you to connect to your phone. It has a built-in camera for you to see all the action from any mobile device once you download the app. With many different modes any 8 year old will have endless fun, just watch out for those trees!
5. Kids Sports Watch
Unlike any other sports watch this WAFA fitness sports watch allows you to not only tell the time but check your heart rate and is Bluetooth. This advanced watch gives the feeling of having an apple watch which every kid dream of having so why not give them a taste of what it is like all while looking fashionable. With easy and fast changing of the bands choose a style that is perfect for your kid so they can wear it anywhere at any time.
6. Fujifilm Camera
This camera is perfect for beginners to train their perception of pictures and capture memories they want to keep with them forever. Get this amazing deal that comes with its own handheld bad to carry your camera nice and protected wherever you go along with numerous amounts of film sheets allowing you to print them right away after taking the photo. For reference, this gift can be a great idea for birthday parties not only for your 8 year-old boy but also for other family members and friends.
7. Professor Maxwell VR Science Lab
This science learning set is sure to sprout an interest in science of any child! VR Magic comes with instructions on how to properly conduct experiments that are visually appealing and fun any kid will absolutely love this as a gift. This one is so special because it comes with VR goggles allowing them to experience it in a whole new way!
Best Gifts for 8 Year Old Boy: Creative Gifts
8. Ooze lab
All Ooze labs products are a great fun way for a child to experiment and safe slime fun. Ooze labs is known for all their science creative stations that will for sure make you feel like a real-life scientist! Any child will love to receive this as a gift and will want to open it right away.
9. Telescope
This telescope is better than what we are normally used to with other telescopes. The neat thing about this one is that it allows you to attach your phone at the end of the scope, giving you a bigger image of what the telescope is seeing. Great for beginners who have not used one and it comes with different size scopes to get an even better image. The product comes with its own carrying bag and wireless remote to take amazing pictures!
10. Door Hanging Laundry Hamper
This door hanging will make picking up the laundry a whole lot more fun now with a cool twist to allow you to shoot it like a basketball for a fun alternative. We all know that laundry is no fun but when you can switch it up and turn it into something more entertaining for your child it can go a long way.
11. Rubik's Cube
The Rubik’s cube is still the same loving cube that challenges our brain every time we attempt it. With still having the same amount of difficulty this cube will be great to make any kid test their knowledge as they try to make all the sides of the cube the same color and complete it.
12. Magic Set
Who knows that 8-year-old boy can be the next David Copperfield! With this magic kit that comes with a learning DVD can help shape and sprout a love for magic as they uncover the secrets to the tricks to blow people's minds!
Best Gifts for 8 Year Old Boy: Gifts for Outside Activity
13. Nerf Gun
Nerf toys are always a great way to go for an 8-year-old gift, this fast shooting safe nerf gun can shoot up to 6 rounds with a range going up to 90 feet! With some that come with targets for kids to try on there will not be any reason why they would not like this as a gift!
14. Beyblade
Beyblades are a great pastime away from their electronics and digital world as you collect different ones to let them rip inside of a battlefield to see who stays spinning. With so many different colors and gadgets the possibilities are endless for you to choose which one better suit you.
15. Skateboard
Learning to ride a skateboard can be difficult at first but once you get the hang of it is fun! They can take it anywhere to go as its one of the most portable sports equipment you can have.
16. Football
Playing catch with football can be so fun as you can practice how far you can throw the ball and it is a great competitive game any 8-year-old can play with their friends. Great way to enjoy the weather outside and to have a good excuse to get dirty without having to worry.
17. Basketball
What kid doesn't like to play basketball? It is a great way to get some exercise and you can play with numerous friends. It is a great sport to get into and who knows this can be the start of an NBA career for the little one!
18. Soccer
Soccer is a game that will for sure keep that 8-year-old boy in good shape and health with all the running that is involved. With this soccer pack he can get started very fast and right away. This pack comes with a soccer ball along with 2 nets being able to start a whole game.
19. Baseball ball and glove
Who does not love to play catch and what better way to play then with a baseball and glove where you can reach endless distance throwing that ball with full protection of the glove? Spice things up with getting a baseball bat as well to see hope far they can hit and like the sport.
Best Gifts for 8 Year Old Boy: Board Games
20. Operation
This is a game where it requires you to pull out certain items from the patient’s body but be careful because if you touch the silver sides with the metal pieces an alarm goes off saying you failed. Operation is a great game because it hones their concentration skill with a bit of a jump scare when you fail that gives off that funny reaction.
21. Candy Land
Candy Land is a board game that players can join up to 2-4. This game is great for beginners so learning the rules is simple and it is all about winning the race to the castle. What 8-year-old kid does not like a good ole race!
22. Connect 4
The classic game of connect 4 can be brought anywhere at any time to play with anyone. A great strategy game that now has a twist, it brings a blue chip now with its own rules! Have a blast challenging other people and have fun figuring strategies together.
23. Guess Who
In this game you will never know the true outcome until the very end, with multiple people to choose you must guess what the person is wearing, hair color, etc. to narrow down who the person is they chose. Guess who is a classic where If guessed correctly you win the game!
24. Sorry
A game for a group of friends/family to all play together as either teams or individuals. Sorry is a game where you pick up cards to see how many spaces you move all while having a set of rules to follow on the card. Choose which one of your pieces to move and make it all the way home and you win!
25. Trouble
Like Sorry but this is with a dice and you go around the entire board trying to make it back home while also eating your opponent’s sending them to restart their trail again. Trouble is a 2-4 player game where all your friends and family can come together to have lots of fun!
26. Checkers
The game of checkers has been around for generations and it is still one of the most intense strategy games for all ages. With the ability to eat your opponent's pieces this adds an exciting feel to it.
27. Jenga
This game can be nerve wrecking, but the victor will be more satisfied at the end as they were able to complete the game without allowing the pieces to all fall. Jenga is for kids of all ages, this gift will surely satisfy as it adds an exciting turnout at the end of the game all you see the whole thing collapse.
Best Gifts for 8 Year Old Boy: Conclusion
All of these ideas and more can be helpful in choosing what you believe are the best kids gifts for 8 year old boys. Whether it is for them to be more active outside, learn more or inspire the inner creativity in them, choosing a gift has never been easier! Hopefully you found this guide on the best gifts ideas for 8 year old boys helpful and inspired your next gift-related purchase.
Written by Orlando Gutierrez; Contributor: Deesha Mohan